Eltasa Prima Konsulta is a provider of training services, consultants, design and project planning. Eltasa’s discipline area includes:
- General areas of Civil engineering: Construction design and planning, Quantity surveyor, Building Supervisory Consultant, Construction Management Consultant
- Field of Building Structure
- Hydrology
- Transportation techniques
- Geotechnical
- Construction management
- Project management
- Architectural Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Information Technology
- Industrial Engineering
- Logistic and Supply Chain Management
PT. Eltasa Prima Konsulta is a legal incorporated under the notarial deed of DR Winahyu Erwiningsih, SH., M.Hum number 88 dated October 19, 2015. PT Eltasa provides services to companies and institutions both from state owned companies, national & multinational companies, Government institutions, Academics institutions and Hospitals.
Vision of PT Eltasa Eltasa Prima Konsulta
“Being a professional and leading provider of professional training and consulting services and a trusted partner in providing solutions for enterprise users”
Mission of PT Eltasa Prima Konsulta
- Organize training and engineering consultants
- Provide planning, design and problem solving services on engineering related issues
- Provide value added to clients and provide innovation and cost efficiency solutions
- Organization structure
Organization Structure
Executive Director : Dayu Ari Sasono, ST
Marketing Director : Syarif Hidayatuloh, ST
Finance Staff : Rista Rafikasari, SE
Operational Staff : Agus Darmawan, SKom
Expert Staff / Instructor
Expert staff / instructors consist of practitioners, consultants and academics who have extensive experience in providing training services and consultants in various companies and agencies both national and multinational. Expert Staff / Instructor PT. Eltasa Prima Konsulta among others;
- Toriq Arif Ghusdewan, ST, MSCE
- Dr.Ir.Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM
- Dr.Ir Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, CIPM
- Dr.Ir.Widjayani, MT
- Tugino, ST., MT
- IR. Suprapto.MT
- IR. Arman Hakim Nasution, M.Eng
- Ir. Arief Heru Swasono, MTP., IAI., IPM
- Dr.Drs.Imam Djati Widodo, MSC
- Wahyu Bintoro, ST., CIPM
- Widarto Sutrisno, ST, MT, CIPM
- Ir. Fitri Hadiprabowo
- IR. Priambodo, MT
- Dr. Ir. H. Muslikh, M.Sc., M.Phil
Office : Kaliurang Street Km 10, Merdeka No. 1, Bulusan, Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Phone : 081226247070: 081392639023; (0274) 4532686
Fax : (0274) 4532686
Email : eltasaprima@gmail.com / mail@trainingeltasa.com
Web : www.trainingeltasa.com
Account : Bank Mandiri 1370011967284 a / n. PT Eltasa Prima Konsulta