Online Training Certified Professional Supervisor PT Eltasa Prima

Online Training Certified Professional Supervisor PT Eltasa Prima

PT Eltasa pada tanggal 17 hingga 18 Desember 2020 menggelar pelatihan online training berjudul Certified Professional Supervisor. Pelatihan yang digelar ini menggunakan media online Zoom Meeting dengan peserta yang berasal dari Piccola Stella. Sekilas tentang Piccola Stella adalah merupakan restoran italia yang bertempat di kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Online training kali ini dipandu oleh Ibu Mutia Nurakhmi, S.Psi., M.Psi, Psikolog sebagai praktisi di bidang psikologi industri.

Foto Online Training Certified Professional Supervisor PT Eltasa Prima

Training Program Description

Congratulations on becoming a supervisor! Through years of hard work and determination, you’ve risen higher than ever before. But faced with these new responsibilities, you might be asking yourself: now what? How do I gain more knowledge to ensure that I will become the best supervisor I can be?

The supervisor is a part of the management team and he/she holds the designation of first line managers. They are charged with creating an environment in which their employees can achieve superior performance, yet they often have minimal control over that environment. They have to be in charge of all of the work from start to finish, and they are held responsible if goals are not met. Being a supervisor is challenging, but with certain skills it can be easier and more fulfilling.

Supervision often includes conducting basic management skills (decision making, problem solving, planning, delegation and meeting management), organizing teams, noticing the need for and designing new job roles in the group, hiring new employees, training new employees, employee performance management (setting goals, observing and giving feedback, addressing performance issues, firing employees, etc.) and ensuring conformance to personnel policies and other internal regulations.

This Certified Professional Supervisor (CPS) program is designed for employees who have been newly-promoted to a supervisory or managerial position to improve their people-management skills and, more importantly, be equipped with practical ideas for optimizing the most important resource in the organization – its people. It’s also suitable for existing supervisors and managers who have not received any formal training in people-management skills.


By The End Of This Program Participants Will Be Able To :

  • Effectively making the transition from non-supervisory to supervisory role.
  • Understand the basic management functions.
  • Apply management and leadership roles, responsibilities, and competencies to foster excellent performance that supports individual and organizational needs.
  • Adopt effective communication techniques to suit their work and conduct effective meetings.
  • Apply various techniques to improve employee performance.
  • Apply a feedback framework to give constructive and supportive feedback within a supervisory context.
  • Build a stronger, more effective cohesive team.
  • Delegate and allocate resources effectively and motivate others to achieve results.
  • Discovering their potential for personal mastery & self-development.

Benefits To The Participants :

  • During the program participants will be provided with a comprehensive information which will be easy to re-use, reference, and share at the workplace.
  • This supervisory skills training will enable participants to more effectively execute their roles and become High Impact and Productive Supervisors.
  • As the program will be delivered by extensively experienced Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, you will have the opportunity to discuss, consult, and relate to supervisory issues and problems at your work place and understand how such issues and problems would be resolved.
  • After successfully completing the program, you will have the opportunity to brand yourself with the title Certified Professional Supervisor (CPS).

Reasons Why A Certification Helps You :

  • Professional certification establishes credibility.
  • Certification recognizes professional achievement. It is a visible reminder to co-workers and senior management of the holder’s expertise.
  • Certification allows you to make a greater contribution to your organization’s success. The knowledge and visibility you gain provide you with an opportunity to make a difference in your organization.
  • Certification moves with you as you change organizations and careers.
  • A highly valued certification gives you a distinct advantage in the job market. Certification gives you an extra measure of confidence as a candidate

Selain judul Online Training Certified Professional Supervisor PT Eltasa Prima, PT Eltasa juga mengadakan beberapa judul online training lainnya yaitu 8 Habits. Adapun instansi peserta berasal dari Yayasan Bina Nusantara.

Foto Online Training 8 Habits

Untuk jadwal training lainnya dari PT Eltasa Prima selanjutnya dapat dilihat di link berikut => Jadwal Training 2020

Informasi dan pendaftaran training dapat dilakukan melalu kontak WA/SMS/TELP di nomor 081226247070 (Lia)

Untuk mengetahui judul pelatihan lainnya, Kunjungi juga website Kami di alamat

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