Consulting WP
cTrader platform
cTrader platform
Fast order entry, ultra-fast execution speeds, direct order entry
via charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why
many traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.
via charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why
many traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.

Investors will Love Your Business Plan
Fast order entry, ultra-fast execution speeds, direct order entry via
charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why many
traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.
charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why many
traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.
Trades & stocks
Bekerja sama dengan lembaga sertifikasi nasional dan internasional
Contact Person
Kantor : Jalan Kaliurang Km 10, Merdeka No 1, Bulusan,
Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Telp : 081226247070 : 081217595979 ; (0274) 4532686
Fax : (0274) 4532686
Email : eltasaprima@gmail.com / mail@trainingeltasa.com
Web : www.trainingeltasa.com
Rekening : Bank Mandiri 1370011967284 a/n. PT Eltasa Prima Konsulta