Training Accredited Supply Chain Professional Universitas Janabadra

Pada tanggal 11 dan 12 September 2023, PT Eltasa Prima menggelar training berjudul Accredited Supply Chain Professional di Yogyakarta. Training yang berlangsung 3 hari ini diikuti peserta yang berasal dari Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara. Universitas Janabadra, adalah perguruan tinggi swasta di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Universitas Janabadra merupakan salah satu universitas yang cukup lama berdedikasi akan pendidikan nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Janabadra. Adapun pembahasan training diisi oleh Ibu Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR-P sebagai instruktur ini adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Training Accredited Supply Chain Professional Universitas Janabadra


This ASCP course helps you demonstrate your knowledge and organizational skills for developing more streamlined operations in managing supply chain. This course allows you to increase your capability become supply chain professional and increase your understanding to manage your supply chain in three areas, i.e; Basics of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Strategy and Logistics & Supply chain’s implementation and Operations .

This firs section addresses the basic concepts used for effective supply chain management and will provide the foundation managing effectively your supply chain. The second section is supply chan strategy. This section addresses considerations in the design of a competitive supply chain, the processes that support the organization’s strategy and improvement of the sustainability of the organization. The last section is Logistic and supply chain Implementation and Operations. This section addresses managing and balancing supply and demand by measuring, analyzing, and improving supply chain processes.


At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to :

 To promote recognition and acceptance of professional status as Acreditated Supply Chain professional.

 To develop performance standards and operational guidelines that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management.

 To increase the degree to which the individual gains personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride from direct involvement in supply chain management and operations.

 The use of technology and information systems to provide the basis for firm- and supply chain-wide integration and cooperation is necessary for successful operations.


1. Module 1 : Basic Supply Chain Management
2. Module 2 : SC alignment witg business strategy (Strategi SCM)
3. Module 3 : Supplier Relationship Management : Procurement process, Supplier selection, strategi SRM, Aliances, technology in SRM. Measuring SRM , Chalanges SRM
4. Module 4 : Logistics and Distribution:Distribution strategy,Logistic service provider (Outsourcing Logistic) : 3rd & 4-th party logistic, Incoterm 2017
5. Module 5 : Inventory and Warehousing
6. Module 6 : CRM: Developing, using teschnologi, measuring CS, Chalanges in Crm
7. Module 7 : Technologi in SCm: ERP, APS, SCEM: IT in logistic: VMI , RFID, WMS, TMS
8. Module 8 : Risk Management in SCM: Identifiction, Mitigation, Risk response, Security & regulatory concern, ISO 30001
9. Module 9 : SC Dinamic: Source of Variability &.Managing internal source & external source
10. Module 10 : SC Peformance measurement using SCOR

Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain Training Accredited Supply Chain Professional Universitas Janabadra di atas juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training

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