Training IT Projects PT Pertamina

Pada tanggal 6 dan 7 Desember 2022 PT Eltasa Prima menggelar training dengan judul IT Projects di Surabaya. Training ini diikuti peserta dari 2 instansi yang berbeda, yaitu PT Pertamina EP dan PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur. Sekilas tentang 2 instansi peserta, PT Pertamina EP atau biasa disingkat menjadi PEP, adalah anak usaha Pertamina Hulu Energi yang bergerak di bidang pengeboran minyak dan gas. Untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnisnya, hingga akhir tahun 2019, perusahaan ini memiliki lima kantor aset, yakni di Jambi, Prabumulih, Cirebon, Surabaya, dan Balikpapan. Sedangkan PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur atau biasa disebut PHI mengelola Wilayah Kerja (WK) migas yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Utara. Adapun pembahasan training yang berlangsung ini adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Training IT Projects PT Pertamina


This is a comprehensive project management training course for business and IT people who are involved in IT projects, including software development projects. The course shows how IT projects should be managed, from inception to post implementation review. People who attend the course say that it covers more ground and in more detail than many other 3-day and even 4-day project management training courses. The course is very highly rated by those who attend. It covers a lot of material in 3 days yet is run in a relaxed manner and all will feel welcome. This project management training course is suitable for project managers and team leaders, IT developers and testers and for business people who are involved in IT projects. There are no prerequisites – no prior project management training is necessary, no IT knowledge is needed. The course is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions with the perspectives of Information Technology project.


 Today’s IT projects present unique challenges to the project manager requiring coordination with many stakeholders and integration of various technological capabilities. In Managing IT Projects, we shall discover critical success factors and hidden risks inherent in IT projects-and you’ll leave with an understanding of strategies and techniques developed in the field by experienced IT project managers for successfully managing IT projects.

 “IT” means different things to different people. This course addresses all areas of IT project management: hardware, software, systems integration, communications, and human resources. It addresses the role of the project manager and the project team at each phase of the project life cycle, helping you gain the foundation, basic experience, techniques and tools to manage each stage of your project.

 We shall learn techniques to determine customer requirements, set goals tied directly to stakeholder needs, get the most from your project management team, and utilize project management tools to get work done on time and within budget.

 By extending traditional project management concepts into the IT arena, We shall gain an understanding of the strategies and skills necessary to manage IT projects of any size. And further we shall take home powerful tools to enhance our IT project management capabilities, as well as written text in our course binder explaining the concepts in each unit for reference when you return to the workplace.

 We shall learn IT project management skills through hands-on exercises, interactive case studies, and relevant discussions with your peers and an experienced IT project management instructor. This approach allows you to practice new skills and ask questions as you assimilate a broad array of practical experiences that can immediately be applied when you return to the workplace.

Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain Training IT Projects PT Pertamina, dapat dilihat di link berikut => Jadwal Training 2022

Informasi dan pendaftaran training dapat dilakukan melalu kontak WA/SMS/TELP di nomor 081226247070 (Lia)

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